Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis said, “The secret of business is to know something that no one else knows.” Martin’s ingenuity and passion to go against the norm has grown and set him on the path to entrepreneurial success. Martin is the majority shareholder, President and CEO of BMI, a family business he has been involved since his youth, taking over the leadership torch in 2005 from his parents and founders. Prior to this, Martin was eager to gain experience outside of the family business and spent a few years working in Halifax and Calgary. Martin is a refreshing and unique leader improving BMI to greater sustainable growth, customer satisfaction, and making it one of the best places to work in Nova Scotia. Martin time is not all spent growing a family business. He enjoys travelling and running his hobby farm in Blockhouse NS with his wife Miriam of 12 years. Martin spends countless volunteer hours and support as a member and leader of EO (Entrepreneurs’ Organization) and on the boards of the Mahone Island Conservation Association, South Shore Regional Enterprise Network as well as other community organizations and events. Although you won’t hear much about these business achievements and dedications, for Martin it’s about the act itself and not self-promotion.